Friday, June 26, 2009

Hug-A-Zombie Day

This writer is exactly right, Hug-A-Zombie Day makes no sense... to the uninfected.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wait and see

Hey all,
Which means no one. I just sent an email to Sony asking to see Zombieland early. If they write back, I'll see if I can host a screening in Brooklyn for all my fellow zombie fans.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

fun little zombie quiz

title says it:

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hickory Plays Host to Zombie Movie

My favorite thing, besides the shirts in the photo, is that Hickory has a newsletter. I try to keep up with all the bbq sauces. One local, Scott Polster came to the casting call with his 8-year-old son, Chase. Polster, a doctor, said he loves horror movies, and that he's always wanted to be a director, even though he applied to be an extra. I wonder about the readings, "Try it again with more undeadness." Chase wanted to know if any little zombies were needed. The extras are only needed for two days of filming. Chase, buddy, get your dad to direct your own zombie movie, then you can be a zombie to your little heart's content.

Young Girl Make Zombie Movie

An 11 year-old girl made a zombie movie. This is a good thing. Young people need to be aware of the coming apocalypse.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wild at Heart and Zombie on Top

The following is a trailer for Zombieland, a film in which Woody Harrelson plays a zombie-killing Nicholas Cage. It looks hilarious, especially when they Purrel-up after dumping a re-dead zombie body, but trailers and previews have lied to us before.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Reader's Digest Braaains

In response to this article I sent an email to Reader's Digest proposing a special edition.

NYT Still on about ZOMBIES

This writer seems to think any discussion of libretarianism is interesting. All it does is bore people. Stop messing with my beloved zombies.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Zombie Wedding

This is about a zombie themed wedding, which somehow sheds light on Zombie Romeo and Juliette. ref=""><

Shakespeare and Zombies

The Scots are somehow doing Romeo & Juliette as a zombie play, which makes sense because teens are tribalistic morons. But why not Macbeth? I have a bunch of writing on Hamlet as the ultimate zombie play. Think about it, he's stuck between the ghost of his father, a murderous, tretcherous, letcherous new dad faking madness to reject the logic the world foists upon him, he drives his girlfriend to madness and suicide, has to deal with Polonius, and everybody ends up dead. It's a tour-de-force of cultural entropy which has lead to our current Zombie Apocolypse! Don't bother telling it's not real, it's on TV. You aren't real, TV talk-person.

Why all these zombie versions? Zombies are the most potent negatively-defined cultural symbols we have of humans. That's why.

Link to a story about the Edinburgh Film Festival:

Friday, June 12, 2009

zombie neurobiology 'explained,' as if zombies cared

Zombie neurobiology, for those of you who still think science = legitimacy.

Nazi Zombies Must Die

Norwegians fight Nazi zombies, they're like Republicans but in cooler clothes, to folk music:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thai Zombie

And for all those wondering how to write zombie in Thai script: โดย : Zombie.

Pushkin Heroine in Distress (and Clubbers Doing the Zombie Shuffle)

The New York Times seems to include zombies everyday. Will you be ready when Pushkin comes (back) to shove?

Dance Review | 'Onegin'

Pushkin Heroine in Distress (and Clubbers Doing the Zombie Shuffle)

Published: May 31, 2009

"Mr. Eifman treats the rest of his company like backup dancers in a music video. (There are echoes of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”) Whether zombie creatures, disaffected youth or chic characters in a nightclub, the performers have little to go on."

Zombie Theory

Memory Distortions in Coerced False Confessions:
A Source Monitoring Framework Analysis
1Fairfield University, USA
2Florida International University, USA
Confessions are routinely offered as evidence and are potentially damning to defendants. However,
not all confessions are truthful. Suspects can be coerced into falsely confessing to crimes that they
did not commit, and in a subset of cases, the confessors come to genuinely believe they committed
the crimes and sometimes create vivid ‘memories’ of their activities. Against the backdrop of a
model of cognitive processes involved in correct and incorrect remembering known as the source
monitoring framework, this paper examines how coercive tactics routinely used in interrogations
may give rise to memory illusions and distortions that can contribute to false confessions in which
individuals believe they are guilty and create false memories to support those beliefs. Copyright
# 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Which means that if you predend to be a zombie, you might turn into one.